I Found the Answer Ministries
1105 Harbor Street, Pittsburg, CA 94565
A Christian Non-Denominational, Multicultural Ministry church
"Blessed to be a Blessing"
"I Found the Answer. And the Answer is... Jesus Christ"
What We Believe
- We believe the Bible is God's holy Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is alive, true, accurate, active, & the authority in our lives
- We believe in one eternal God who created all things. He exists in 3 persons,
God The Father, God The Son, & God The Holy Spirit
- We believe that mankind has inherited sin due to Adam & Eve. This sin separates us all from God.
- We believe God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) who is the only one that can reconcile us back to God.
- We believe Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, was crucified on cross, then rose again on the 3rd day. These acts prove His victory over death so now we all can live by accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus.
- We believe that once we receive Christ's sacrifice, by faith, we are saved. The Holy Spirit lives in us & allows us to use Spiritual gifts through His power. We submit our lives to serve only Christ.
- We believe that water baptism by immersion in water signifies to the world that we have been buried & rise with Christ. This act is the outward expression of our inward faith in Jesus. Our lives our are forever changed.
- We believe that all those who have accepted Christ are now part of the Church, for which Christ is the head.
- We believe the Church should be in unity with each other & meet regularly for fellowship, prayers, worship, and "breaking of bread"
- We believe God is equipping us to serve His purpose in the world, serve in the local church, & love in the community.
- We believe all mankind has an eternal destination of either Heaven or Hell based on our response to Jesus, our Lord & Christ.
- We believe Jesus Christ is coming back to receive all His servants just as He promised.
- We believe that God has blessed us to be a blessing to the world around us. We love & forgive as God does
- We believe the church must get outside the 4 walls of the building to spread the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ.
- We believe God loves you & has a plan for your life. We would love to meet you in person.
Upcoming Events
- April Fri Family Game Night
- May National Day of Prayer near Pittsburg City Hall
- Fall - 24hr Worship near Pittsburg City hall
- Oct IFTA 30th church anniversary
- Nov Thanksgiving community outreach & free dinner
Annual Christmas Cookie Decorating